Maximising Footfall and Boosting Your Online Presence at an Event

I am exhibiting at Art in the Park Leamington this weekend…I thought I would write this as it seems relevant and helpful to fellow artists and small business owners.

To make the most of the event, you’ll need to attract visitors to your booth and ensure they remember how to connect with you afterwards. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to maximise footfall and effectively promote your email address, website, and social media profiles.

1. Pre-Event Preparation

  • Build Anticipation on Social Media Generate excitement before the event by sharing posts about your participation. Include sneak peeks of your artwork, behind-the-scenes preparation, and details about any special activities or promotions you plan to offer. Use event-specific hashtags and tag the organisers to increase visibility.
  • Optimise Your Online Profiles Update your website and social media profiles to highlight your participation in Art in the Park. Create banners and posts with your booth location, event details, and a call-to-action for visitors to find you at the event.
  • Leverage Email Marketing Send a newsletter to your email list (if you have one) announcing your participation. Include your booth location, any special promotions, and a call-to-action to visit you. Consider offering an exclusive online discount for those who visit your booth.

2. Engaging at the Event

  • Design an Eye-Catching Booth Ensure your booth is visually appealing with clear, prominent signage displaying your website address, email, and social media handles. Use large fonts and contrasting colours to make sure the information is easily visible.
  • Interactive Elements Create interactive experiences such as live art demonstrations or a photo booth with your artwork as the backdrop. Use QR codes linking to your website or social media profiles, and encourage visitors to take photos and share them online using your designated hashtag.
  • Direct Engagement Share your contact information verbally during interactions with visitors. Offer business cards and flyers with your details, and encourage visitors to follow you on social media or sign up for your newsletter. Consider having an interactive station where visitors can enter their email address or follow you on social media.
  • Social Media Updates Post live updates from the event on your social media feeds. Share photos and videos of your booth, visitor interactions, and any special moments. Use stories or reels for real-time engagement and to keep your audience involved.

3. Post-Event Follow-Up

  • Thank-You Messages Send thank-you emails to visitors whose contact details you collected. Include your website and social media links in these messages, and express gratitude for their visit. Personalise these emails to remind them of their experience at your booth.
  • Share Event Highlights Create and share content showcasing the best moments from the event, such as blog posts, video recaps, or photo galleries. Highlight interactions with visitors and any media coverage you received.
  • Analyse and Refine Review your engagement metrics to determine which strategies were most effective. Use these insights to refine your approach for future events and online activities.

4. Leveraging Event Content

  • Repurpose Content Turn your event content into various formats like blog posts, social media updates, or a podcast. Repurposing content helps keep the conversation going and attracts new followers who might have missed the live event.
  • Update Your Portfolio Incorporate photos and videos from the event into your online portfolio or gallery. This showcases your participation and demonstrates your active engagement in the art community.
  • Network Online Connect with other artists, vendors, and visitors you met during the event. Follow up with them on social media or via email, and engage with their content to build a network and explore new opportunities.

5. Promotional Materials

  • Branded Merchandise Consider giving away branded items like stickers, magnets, or tote bags featuring your contact details. These can serve as lasting reminders of your brand but obviously small business are cost conscious..
  • Event Programmes and Guides If the event has a programme or guide, ensure your contact details are included. Reach out to the organisers beforehand to see if they can feature your information.

Bit of a Summary

Maximising footfall at any event and boosting your online presence involves a strategic blend of pre-event promotion, engaging booth design, interactive elements, and thoughtful follow-up. By clearly displaying your contact information, encouraging social media engagement, and leveraging event content, you can enhance your visibility and connect with a wider audience, ensuring your participation leads to lasting connections and growth.